In the Community

Finsura is ready to lend our support to local sporting and community groups seeking assistance in raising vital funds to help their organisation grow and deliver great services.

Finsura offers the opportunity to create annual income streams that groups can use to improve amenities, reduce registration fees and buy much-needed equipment. Your local Finsura office is ready to give back to the people who support us.

Benefits include:

  • A steady stream of sponsorship with no limit to the annual amount achievable.
  • A growing revenue source as the partnership grows.
  • New funds to help buy equipment, gear and coaching clinics for your club or group.
  • Insurance advice to your members.
  • The opportunity for members to save on their current business insurance cost.

Finsura One Community has given Finsura the ability to now sponsor hundreds of clubs around Australia.

How Finsura One Community works:

  • Contact our Finsura One Community manager to discuss how our program can help your organisation.
  • Once a partnership is arranged we agree to donate an upfront amount to get things going.
  • Through a combination of agreed marketing initiatives we promote Finsura Insurance Broking to your members with a percentage of the income generated shared with your club or group. Every year that member renews a policy with us a percentage will continue to be donated back to your club or group. In turn this builds what will hopefully become a growing revenue stream for your club.
  • The goal for Finsura is to help your members by firstly getting them better risk advice and insurance savings. At the same time that member is giving us the opportunity to give back to your group or club.

How this works for Finsura

For Finsura we see this as a much more rewarding way of promoting our business. Traditionally we spend a percentage of our income on advertising with mixed results, so we would rather invest in local community organisations. We see this as an opportunity to achieve our commercial outcomes while also supporting the important community services clubs and groups provide.

By incentivising clubs to promote our business we find the outcomes for both parties are much more rewarding. The more Finsura are promoted, the more we give back.

If you would like more information simply contact us on 02 9899 2999.